Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Okay, so I established this blog in 2011 and have yet to make a photography related post, or better yet any post in general.  To be perfectly honest, I didn't know how to blog (crazy, right?) and I really didn't have an interest in learning.  However, since May of 2011 when this blog was created my photography business has grown so much!  Only God can be given the credit for that- He has placed wonderful friends, family, and mentors in my life that have not only shared their knowledge with me but also poured out tremendous support and given me massive amounts of encouragement when all I really wanted to do was throw my camera in the trash can.  (Learning photography is a very emotional process for me lol.) So here I am nearing the end of 2012 and I have decided that maybe I should tackle this blog thing afterall.  Up until this point, all of my business has come from facebook.  That's right- facebook.  No outside advertising, no website- nothing.  It's worked so far (again, God has really blessed me) but it is becoming harder and harder to answer messages for things as simple as my package options, session fees, etc. when I could be taking advantage of this blog and have all of that information readily available to people.  I'm a stay at home mom to three of the sweetest blessings out there but they're not very understanding of mom dates with the computer.. and why should they be, really?  After all, I'm not home so that they can entertain themselves all day (although from time to time those days do exist.. oops!) I love being home with my girlies and I love my photography business.  I'm not always the best at balancing out the two (my kiddos ALWAYS take first priority) but with prayer and patience I will learn to balance it all out better and in the meantime I'm going to continue capturing memories for you while also making memories of my own as I enjoy the last year that my oldest is home for half the day (she starts kindergarten next year.. eeek!!) and the last few years that my other two are home all day.  I LOVE what I do and I'm thankful for the life that God has given me.  I hope you'll join me along on my journey of not only photographing life, but also LIVING life one precious day at a time :)